News list for " Vietnam"

Vietnam's new bill proposes to allow cryptocurrency trading in financial centers as of July 1, 2026

As reported by VNEconomy last month, Vietnam's Ministry of Planning and Investment is seeking comments on the National Assembly's draft resolution on building a regional and international financial center in the country. The draft proposes that cryptoassets and cryptocurrency trading within the financial center will be officially implemented as of July 1, 2026. According to the draft, the regional financial center will be located in Da Nang City, while the international financial center will be ...

2025-02-19 02:42:53
South Korean police have arrested 90 people for suspected drug trafficking with cryptocurrency

South Korean police recently arrested 90 Vietnamese suspects suspected of using cryptocurrency to sell drugs in bars and clubs across the country. The suspects smuggled the drugs into the country disguised as coffee and vitamin packages and distributed them in Vietnamese bars and clubs in several cities, the police said. The police initially estimated that the gang smuggled drugs worth 1.04 billion won (about 721,000 US dollars), of which about 710 million won (nearly 500,000 US dollars) has bee...

2025-02-06 02:35:24
OKX CeFi Product Leader Ryan: More new features will be launched in 2025 to continuously optimize the user experience

On January 15, Ryan, the head of OKX CeFi products, delivered a keynote speech at the "OKX New Year's Eve Dinner" event in Danang, Vietnam. He reviewed the product achievements of OKX CeFi in 2024, including K-line trading, high-order take profit and stop loss, contract analysis, custom trading layout, simple borrowing, copying, strategy robots, and structured products. In addition, when looking ahead to 2025, Ryan also revealed a new plan for OKX CeFi products, covering content modules, smart a...

2025-01-15 08:49:28
Star: Crypto and AI will be the two best industries for business technology development in the next decade

On January 14th, OKX Vietnam's "OKX New Year's Eve Dinner" event in Danang officially opened today. OKX CEO Star attended the event via video link and gave an impromptu speech. Star said that the crypto industry is a cycle-driven, innovative and dynamic industry, supported by global regulation. Crypto and AI will be the two best industries for business technology development in the next decade. It is reported that the "OKX New Year's Eve Dinner" is OKX's first dinner in Danang, Vietnam.

2025-01-14 03:15:32
Vietnamese police have arrested four suspects in connection with cryptocurrency mining scams

On January 5, Vietnamese police arrested four suspects in a cryptocurrency mining scam that stole 4 billion Vietnamese dong ($157,300) from more than 200 victims. The alleged offenders, led by Mr. Chen, allegedly developed a fraudulent cryptocurrency mining website called BitMiner, registered with a Singapore domain name. The gang claimed to be a Dubai-based cryptocurrency mining company and promised unrealistic returns on investment.

2025-01-06 10:23:56
List of important developments on the evening of October 23

12:00-21:00 Keywords: Trump, MakerDAO, Vietnam, Sonic 1. Japan remains cautious about cryptocurrency ETFs. 2. Trump is expected to participate in Joe Rogan's podcast on Friday. 3. Fairshake has deployed $140 million for the US congressional campaign; MakerDAO is considering abandoning the Sky brand and will hold a public opinion poll on November 4. 5. Bernstein: Bitcoin reaching $200,000 by the end of 2025 is a "conservative" forecast; 6. The Vietnamese government has released the National Block...

2024-10-23 13:01:56
The Vietnamese government has released the National Blockchain Strategy, planning to build 20 well-known blockchain brands by 2025

On October 23rd, the Vietnamese government released the "National Blockchain Strategy", promulgating the national strategy for the application and development of blockchain technology to 2025 and looking ahead to 2030. The Vietnamese government aims to build 20 blockchain brands with a high reputation in terms of platforms, products and services on the blockchain technology platform in the region; Maintain the operation of at least 3 blockchain testing centers or special zones in major cities to...

2024-10-23 12:10:39
SpaceX plans to invest $15 billion in Vietnam

The Vietnamese government says SpaceX plans to invest $15 billion in the country.

2024-09-26 02:13:57
General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee and President Su Lin arrived in Guangzhou to start his visit to China

On August 18, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee and President Su Lin paid a state visit to China from August 18 to 20. Today (18th) at 9:25 am, General Secretary Su Lin arrived in Guangzhou by special plane. China also became the first country he visited after taking office as General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee. During his stay in Guangzhou, General Secretary Su Lin plans to visit the red footprints of President Ho Chi Minh's...

2024-08-18 01:37:10
BitcoinVN has launched its latest bitcoin ATM at Indika, a famous restaurant in Saigon, Vietnam

According to Bitcoin News, Vietnamese cryptocurrency exchange and pioneer Bitcoin startup BitcoinVN has launched its latest Bitcoin ATM at the famous Saigon restaurant Indika.

2024-07-06 17:23:53
According to Vietnamese state media, the Central Bank of Vietnam will sell gold to the domestic market through four state-owned banks.

According to Vietnamese state media, the Central Bank of Vietnam will sell gold to the domestic market through four state-owned banks.

2024-05-29 03:27:41
The President of the Vietnamese National Assembly will visit China

On April 5th, at the invitation of Zhao Leji, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, Vietnamese National Assembly President Wang Tinghui will lead a delegation to visit China from April 7th to 12th.

2024-04-05 02:21:56

OdETH 越南黑客马拉松匿名 MACI(aMACI)投票已在全球极客运动平台 正式开启。本次投票是 aMACI 投票技术首次在大型加密活动中的使用。共有来自 ETHVietnam BUIDLATHON 2024 的 14 个优秀项目入选,共同角逐 2000 美金奖金池。截止目前,已有 93 个用户注册 MACI 投票。本次投票结束时间为北京时间 3 月 18 日 23:59。 DoraHacks aMACI 技术支持用户任意更换投票密钥,同时保证管理员无法获知更新后的密钥,从

2024-03-17 06:34:42

OdETH 越南黑客马拉松将通过全球极客运动平台 进行匿名 MACI 投票。DoraHacks 匿名 MACI(aMACI)允许 MACI 投票用户任意更换投票密钥,当用户更换投票密钥后,管理员无法获知用户更换新的密钥,使得 MACI 可以逐步实现无条件匿名。 aMACI 实现了以太坊社区“通过 ElGamal 重随机函数实现匿名 MACI”的方案,是一种不依赖于多方安全计算的匿名 MACI 实现方案。 本次 ETH 越南黑客马拉松投票轮次是匿名 MACI 投票技术首次在中大型

2024-03-14 05:33:18

7x24 Newsflash

09:27 2025-03-21
币安将更新ORCAUSDT U本位永续合约杠杆和保证⾦
据官⽅公告,币安合约将于 2025 年 03⽉21⽇09:15(UTC)更新 ORCAUSDTU 本位永续合约的杠杆和保证⾦阶梯。
09:02 2025-03-21
3月21日消息,据GMGN行情信息,BSC生态meme币BUBB市值短时触及3500万美元创历史新高,现报3130万美元,近24小时涨幅达516%,24小时成交量4170万美元。 今日凌晨,Binance联合创始人何一在X平台与该meme币官推互动,并关注其官推。meme币无实际价值,价格波动较大,用户投资需谨慎。
09:02 2025-03-21
香港数字资产公司IDA宣布与日本银行集团Progmat、以及区块链公司Datachain和跨链基础设施提供商TOKI FZCO达成战略合作,共同开发概念验证(PoC)以实现香港和日本之间基于稳定币的跨境应用场景,据悉相关稳定币将在香港监管制度合规要求下使用以日元和港元计价,IDA此前已与东亚银行展开合作以1:1港元挂钩稳定币来探索广泛采用数字金融的可行性。
08:59 2025-03-21
08:41 2025-03-21
08:38 2025-03-21
08:32 2025-03-21
08:32 2025-03-21
1. 央行主管金融时报:LPR的变动需要在稳增长、稳息差、稳汇率等多重目标中寻求动态平衡。...
1. 央行主管金融时报:LPR的变动需要在稳增长、稳息差、稳汇率等多重目标中寻求动态平衡。2. 银行存款利率倒挂蔓延,长短期倒挂范围扩大。3. 国办:积极支持符合条件的中药企业通过发行债券等方式融资。4. 存5年利息竟比1年低,银行利率再现“倒挂”。5. 年内险企发债规模合计已达366亿元。6. 财通证券:债市资金最紧时刻或过,货基及短债基金重点转向控回撤。7. 地方发债提速,6万亿置换隐性债务额度发行已过半。8. 机构:德国增加国债发行量还为时过早。9. 日本证券业协会:日本超长期国债2月份吸引创纪录的外资流入。10. 美国前财长萨默斯:美联储大幅放缓缩表的决定拉响警报,揭示了债市脆弱性。11. “新债王”冈拉克:对30年期美债并不看好更倾向于投资短期债券。
08:31 2025-03-21
08:23 2025-03-21
08:14 2025-03-21
某鲸鱼 20 分钟前建仓 1888 亿枚 PEPE,价值 200 万美元
据@ai_9684xtpa监测,qianbaidu.eth 于 20 分钟前使用小号建仓 1888 亿枚 PEPE,价值 200 万美元。该地址早在 PEPE 上线后 4 天就开始交易,曾通过波段获利 148.4 万美元。
08:13 2025-03-21
国外1. 荷兰国际:日本核心通胀支持日本央行5月加息。2. 凯投宏观:瑞典央行...
国外1. 荷兰国际:日本核心通胀支持日本央行5月加息。2. 凯投宏观:瑞典央行下一步行动或许是加息。3. 凯投宏观:瑞士央行此次降息将是周期内最后一次。国内1. 中金:大模型推动中台迈入新阶段,科技硬件产业链有望受益。2. 中金:特朗普亟需解决两大根本问题,贫富差距和政府债务。3. 华泰证券:快递行业今年包裹量增速或高于预期。4. 华泰证券:中美宏观叙事逻辑切换带来全球资金的再配置,“东西跷跷板”或将延续。5. 银河证券:多方面因素共同推动证券板块景气度上行。6. 中信证券:千亿财政支出法案落地,欧洲储能或迎拐点。7. 财通证券:债市资金最紧时刻或过 货基及短债基金重点转向控回撤。8. 中银证券:多方面因素共同推动证券板块景气度上行。9. 大华银行:由于关税担忧,马来西亚贸易前景面临不确定性。